It was recently pointed out that in the latest edition of Scouting Magazine, that some of the Pony Express Council's Jamboree Contingent members were apart of a group photo taken at one of the arena shows. Page 28 of the November-December 2010 issue is a full page photograph and up at the top of the page is several members from Troop 1122. The scouts are wearing the tan and green hats and can be seen up close in the second photo here on this blog. I encourage you to take a moment and click on the photo to get an enlarged view, so you can try to pick out someone you know!
The photograph was taken by Aaron Huey (photo-journalist) and was featured in his article Picture Perfect which goes into detail about the experiences he encountered at the 2010 National Scout Jamboree. If you get a chance to read it, I think you'll enjoy the pictures that go with the story of Troop 1036's Jamboree experience.